Nontraditional Teaching Situations

Strategic Learning Centers

Strategic Learning Centers (SLC) are small learning environments of 6-30 children in grades K-6. The children are diverse in ages and their educational needs. The centers are located in or close to locations of families working in cluster projects or other activities.
For inquiries about Straegic Learning Centers in Africa please contact Bev Harrar (mailto:ched_afa@sil.org).
The centers are diverse in the amount of teacher instruction required, in parent involvement, and in supported self-study time by the children. They have children from a variety of passport countries and parents have diverse expectations for their children’s education. The centers have children from several like-minded partner organizations.

Co-op Schools Co-op schools are initiated by parents getting together and teaching all the children. It may be an outgrowth of several families living close by and home schooling their own children. Parents may then develop a co-op situation where several parents team to teach the children. In time they realize that having just one certified teacher would be very beneficial since he/she could direct the learning activities.
We do not have any Co-op schools listed so far.

Modular Study Groups
Modular Study Groups (MSG) are groups of 15-30 students in grades 7-12. They are diverse in ages and are designed to meet the educational needs of each student.

They are diverse in amounts of teacher instruction required, in parent involvement, and in supported self-study time. They have students from a variety of passport countries and parents have diverse expectations for their children’s education. The MSG have students from several like-minded partner organizations.

In some situations there may be a hand-full of students living close by and can get together to work on supported self-study time.

For three weeks out of the month the parents will be the primary facilitators of instruction. For one week students get together in a central location for the purpose focus on the various content areas with a teacher as the facilitator of instruction.

For inquiries about Modular Study Groups in Asia please contact Alan Farlin.

Field Education System

The FES teacher plans and teaches a class at a learning center for Missionary Children (grades K-8). As part of the school year, the FES teacher will plan and teach a class for the Joint Learning Sessions. These take place two to four times a year and are when home schooling children and those at the learning center join together for classroom teaching and group activities (music, sports, drama, etc.).

For inquiries about the Field Education System please contact Bev Harrar.

Itinerate Teaching

An itinerate teacher is a teacher who travels from one home schooling family to another assisting parents with instructional techniques, with obtaining materials, with the testing of children, etc. The itinerant teacher goes to missionary families and takes over the home schooling for 2-3 weeks at a time. The teacher lives with the family for that time. Sometimes the teacher visits two families back to back, but normally the teacher returns to his/her in-country home for 1-2 weeks between visits.

For inquiries about Itinerate Teaching please contact Bev Harrar.

Tutors (None listed)

The number of teachers needed to fill these wonderful teaching positions continues to increase as taking the Word of God moves into different areas. These teaching situations are different than teaching in a more traditional classroom and teachers need to have some unique skills. Some may say, “teaching out of the box.” These opportunities offer tremendous rewards for working with diverse groups of children. If you have a question about whether or not teaching these children is real missionary service, we can tell you that it is!

If you are exploring teaching children of missionaries please continue your exploration and consider teaching in a nontraditional situation.

Qualifications for teachers teaching in nontraditional situations

• Being a teacher with appropriate skills sets to work in one or more of the nontraditional situations

• Been in the classroom for a while

• Can make individual plans for children

• Works well with small numbers of children who are at different levels

• Committing one year with two years desirable

• Being spiritually vital and mature

• May work by her/himself

• May need to move around

• Needs to be very flexible, resourceful and creative

• Being sensitive to cross-cultural issues

• Having an innovative spirit.

• Welcoming parents’ involvement

• Having a familiarity with home schooling curriculum

• Working closely with AERC and ANCHOR and their consultants

• Cross-cultural Experience would be a plus